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"use strict";

 * @abstract
 * @public
class Search

   * @param {StorageOptions} options see fields
     * Id field of records
    this.primaryKey = options.primaryKey || 'id';
     * Connection string for search
    this.connectionString = options.connectionString || '';
     * Name of collection. Derived from connection string if there is # based seperation.
    this.collectionName = this.connectionString.substr(this.connectionString.indexOf('#') + 1);
    this.connectionString = this.connectionString.substr(0, this.connectionString.indexOf('#')) || this.connectionString;

   * connect to search system
  async connect()


   * Initialised search system with initial set of records
   * @abstract
  async initialise(searchMeta, records)
    throw new Error('TODO: not immplemented');

   * @abstract
  async createRecord(record)
    throw new Error('TODO: not immplemented');

   * @abstract
  async updateRecord(record)
    throw new Error('TODO: not immplemented');

   * @abstract
  async deleteRecord(record)
    throw new Error('TODO: not immplemented');

   * @abstract
  async searchRecords(query)
    throw new Error('TODO: not immplemented');

module.exports = Search;